Amazon Seller Competitor Analysis Made Easy With Template

Why Amazon seller competitor analysis? In the fiercely competitive realm of e-commerce, Amazon has emerged as a powerhouse. With millions of sellers vying for the attention of Amazon’s vast customer base, it’s crucial to understand your competition inside and out. That’s where Amazon Seller Competitor Analysis comes into play. This strategic process empowers Amazon sellers with invaluable insights to stand out and thrive in this dynamic marketplace. In this article, we’ll show you how to conduct Amazon seller competitive analysis effortlessly, complete with a template that simplifies the process. Get ready to supercharge your Amazon business and outshine the competition.

As an Amazon seller conducting a competitor analysis, I would follow a structured approach to gain insights and make informed decisions for my business. Here’s how I would go about it step by step:

Identify Competitors on Amazon

Begin by identifying key competitors who are selling similar or related products on the Amazon platform. Look for both established sellers and newcomers.

Product Research

Examine their product listings. Pay attention to the range of products they offer, product titles, descriptions, images, and pricing. Identify any unique selling points (USPs) they emphasize.

Pricing Strategy

Analyze their pricing strategy. Are they positioned as low-cost providers, premium brands, or somewhere in between? How do their prices compare to yours?

Customer Reviews and Ratings

Review customer feedback and ratings on their product listings. Understand what customers like and dislike about their products. Look for common issues or complaints.

Fulfillment and Shipping

Assess their fulfillment method (Fulfilled by Amazon, Seller Fulfilled Prime, etc.) and shipping options. Quick and reliable shipping can give a competitive edge.

Sales Rank and Best Sellers

Check the Amazon Best Sellers list and product sales ranks to identify their top-performing products. This can indicate popular and lucrative niches.

Marketing Strategies

Investigate their marketing strategies on Amazon. Observe whether they use Amazon PPC ads, Sponsored Products, or any other advertising tools. Study their product descriptions and how they optimize them for search.

Inventory Levels and Stockouts

Determine whether they frequently run out of stock or maintain a consistent inventory. This can impact their visibility and customer trust.

Brand Reputation

Evaluate their brand reputation and presence. Do they have a strong brand following, both on and off Amazon? Look for any social media or website presence.

Competitive Advantages

Identify what makes them stand out. It could be factors like superior product quality, unique features, excellent customer service, or innovative marketing.

Customer Service

Assess their responsiveness to customer inquiries and concerns, as good customer service can lead to positive reviews and repeat business.

Returns and Refunds

Learn about their return and refund policies. Understanding how they handle returns and customer disputes can provide insights into their customer service quality.

SEO and Keywords

Analyze their use of keywords in product listings and titles. This can give insights into their search engine optimisation strategy.

Consider how their products perform during different seasons and holidays. Recognise any patterns in their sales trends.


Compare your sales and performance metrics against your competitors, such as revenue, customer reviews, and conversion rates.

Strategic Action Plan

Based on your analysis, develop a strategic action plan. Consider how you can differentiate your products, enhance your marketing, or improve customer service to gain a competitive advantage.

Regularly update and adapt your competitor analysis to stay ahead in the dynamic and competitive Amazon marketplace. Utilise tools and resources available on Amazon Seller Central and third-party software to gather and analyze data effectively.

Competitor Analysis Table with Demo Data

Remember, the ‘Competitor Analysis template with Demo Data’ provided in this article is a versatile tool that can be tailored to any industry or product category. While we’ve showcased it within the context of the baby product industry, you can easily adapt this template to suit your specific business niche.

Competitor Analysis Overview in the Baby Product Industry

Competitor NameProduct RangePricing StrategyCustomer Reviews & RatingsFulfilment MethodMarketing StrategiesBrand Reputation
Competitor ABaby Clothes & AccessoriesModerate Pricing4.5 stars (340 reviews)Fulfilled by AmazonAmazon PPC AdvertisingEstablished Brand
Competitor BNursery FurniturePremium Pricing4.7 stars (120 reviews)Seller Fulfilled PrimeSocial Media MarketingNiche Market Leader
Competitor CBaby StrollersCompetitive Pricing4.2 stars (220 reviews)Fulfilled by MerchantSponsored ProductsNew and Growing
Competitor DOrganic Baby FoodLow-Cost Strategy4.4 stars (550 reviews)Fulfilled by AmazonContent MarketingEco-Friendly Focus

Product Attributes:

Competitor NameTop-selling ProductUnique FeaturesStock AvailabilitySEO and KeywordsSeasonal Trends
Competitor ABaby OnesiesOrganic, Variety of DesignsRare StockoutsOptimized Titles and TagsHoliday Sales Boost
Competitor BCrib and Changing TableConvertible, Eco-friendly WoodConsistent SupplyNursery Furniture KeywordsPeak Sales in Spring
Competitor CJogging StrollerLightweight, All-Terrain WheelsFrequent StockoutsBaby Stroller KeywordsSummer Outdoor Sales
Competitor DOrganic Baby PureeVariety of Flavors, BPA-freeSteady InventoryOrganic Baby Food KeywordsSteady Sales Year-round

Customer Service and Policies:

Competitor NameCustomer Service QualityReturn and Refund PoliciesLegal & ComplianceMarketing ChannelsSocial Media Presence
Competitor AResponsive, Helpful30-Day Returns, No Restocking FeeCompliant with Amazon policiesAmazon Advertising, Google AdsActive on Facebook and Instagram
Competitor BAttentive, Personalized14-Day Returns, Some ConditionsCompliant with All RegulationsPinterest Promotions, Influencer PartnershipsStrong Presence on Pinterest
Competitor CStandard Customer Support15-Day Returns, Case-by-CaseRegular Compliance AuditsEmail Marketing, Affiliate MarketingLimited but Growing Presence
Competitor DKnowledgeable and Supportive60-Day Returns, Eco-friendly FocusEnvironmental Regulations CompliantContent Marketing, BlogActive Sustainability Posts

Financial Performance:

Competitor NameRevenue ($ millions)Profit Margin (%)Growth Trends
Competitor A$12.5 million15%Steady growth over the past 3 years
Competitor B$3.2 million20%Consistent revenue, niche market leader
Competitor C$9.8 million12%Modest growth, expanding product range
Competitor D$6.0 million18%Rapid growth due to increasing eco-consciousness


In the ever-evolving world of Amazon selling, staying ahead of the curve is a continuous journey. Amazon Seller Competitor Analysis provides you with a powerful tool to not only understand your competition but to leverage that knowledge for your business’s growth. By utilising the template provided, you can streamline the analysis process, saving time and making it “easy” to uncover opportunities and weaknesses. Remember, your competitors are not just your rivals; they’re also your teachers. So, as you navigate the intricate Amazon landscape, let your competition be the wind beneath your wings, propelling your business to new heights. Now, armed with the knowledge and template you need, go forth and conquer the Amazon marketplace with confidence.

Your success is our priority. If you have any questions, need further guidance, or seek clarification on any aspect of Amazon seller competitive analysis, don’t hesitate to reach out

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